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I am a new mother of a wonderful little boy. This is a blog about the things that happen in our lives. Its a collection of stories, crafts and recipes.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Journey

The day we moved into our apartment together. May 2010!  

        We met in February 2010 through a mutual friend and hit it off from the start. We fell madly in love with each other and haven't been apart since. Though the road has had its ups and downs ( like any normal relationship), we have stood by each other and have been faithful through it all. The two of us have had some really great times together.  Like the time he took me pier fishing for the first time. I was hooked! 

And that time we took our first picture as a couple on the beach at sunset. That was special! 
The first time we went hiking at Mt. Pinos. I had just quit smoking and needed LOTS of breathing breaks..
Plus I thought a bear would jump out and eat me. It was well worth the pain to reach the top.
 What an amazing sight!
Our First and second Halloween together... Good Times! 
The time we went and saw the Elephant Seals....UP CLOSE! 
What a thrill.
I could go on for days posting pictures but I'm sure that would just bore you. The point is...We have had a lot of fun together over the years. Now we are heading down a new path. PARENTS! Ahhhh! It sure is scary to think that soon, very soon we will be raising a human being on our own. Who approved this?  Although this child wasn't planned he will be loved.  
The first picture ever taken of Landon!

His little face..

Its a BOY! 
Oh I cant wait to met him. August 4th is the due date.... WOW that's just around the corner and I don't have the room ready yet.

Right before I gave birth.

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