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I am a new mother of a wonderful little boy. This is a blog about the things that happen in our lives. Its a collection of stories, crafts and recipes.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The baby shower. June 30th 2012

     On June 30th , 2012 we had a baby shower for the arrival of dear Landon .        
  Close friends and family came to celebrate the new life about to descend upon us.
 Even Lacy drove HOURS just to be there. 
It was so nice to have everyone together that day. Thank you all for coming! <3 

          The crib full of gifts for the little guy.

        The diaper "cake" Brandon's Aunt made. Super cute.

                           The two wonderful ladies who threw the shin-dig.  My Mother and Cindy <3 

              My friend from childhood ( Christina)  and my big belly!

           The gifts just kept on coming!

             Oh and my Sister kept taking pictures of me while I had food in my hands... Haha Thanks Sis.

Once we got all the gifts home, Daddy set up his cage.

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