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I am a new mother of a wonderful little boy. This is a blog about the things that happen in our lives. Its a collection of stories, crafts and recipes.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting through the first month!

The first few weeks as Parents.

It wasn't easy!

I can't believe it has almost been one full month since we brought our little monkey into this crazy world.  It has gone by so fast. I know you hear that from every mother, but now I know it is TRUE! Every day he changes little by little. Our son is the most precious thing on earth. We are very lucky to have him in our lives even though we never get any sleep. (Those days are long gone) The OBGYN was supposed to test me for RH factor. Come to find out I am RH- and my son could have died while in me at any time. I was so upset to find this out. All he had to do was give me a shot to give him a chance. Well my son is one tough cookie we have found out! He made it through my body trying to fight him off, the week stay in the NICU and he made it through the first month in my care. Haha , poor kid. Landon and I have yelled at each other, cried together and exchanged a few smiles. This first month has been stressful to say the least, but we made it! I couldnt ask for a better baby. He sure is a cutie pie. Everyone so far from family, friends to strangers all say he looks like "a little man". I think it has to do with the serious look he always has on his face and all that hair on his head.

This is what he looks like most of the day when hes awake. "Mom feed me" "Mom change me" "Mommmm!!!!!!!!!"  "No dont lay me down"  "Hold me...not like that"

(oh boy)
Throwing a fit!

We went on our first trip as a family to Morro Bay. That was a rough trip because he just had been curcumsised that morning. Poor guy, but we need to find a place to live and had to go. He got to meet some of the family while we were there. 
Lacy and Eric before they got Married.
(Oh and while they were changing him, he peed all over the couch)

Randy and Landon.

Cindy feeding him his first meal at a restaurant. 

His first Dinner (passed) out! @Woodstocks in S.L.O

He got to meet his Grandma Patterson for the first time. She seemed so happy to see him. She traveled all the way from Kansas to Bakersfield. Its crazy how good he is for everyone else but in my arms he is fussy. Naughty boy! 

Nap time with Daddy... they both had a long day.
Whats this? Daddy changing a diaper?
His first time over at Grandma Nordstroms. They just woke up from a nap.

He finally noticed his mobile for the first time! Oh man I was so happy.  Today he held on to his pacifier while sucking on it.. he kept pulling it out and shoving it back in. Omg I wish I had a camera near me to capture this moment.
Daddy says he is a "Baby Football"

Feeding time with Mommy. I love that little guy..even when he cries at 3 am!

He got to meet the Patterson Family finally.

This is Brandon's Aunt Teri and Landon. You can tell he is a Patterson for sure in this picture.

Great Grandpa Patt , Daddy and Landon. Brandon was so proud.

Great Grandma Geanie and Landon

Great Grandpa didn't want to let him go. <3

Silly face!
This is my favorite picture of him so far! <3 
Look at those BLUES! 

His hair is starting to get thinner sadly. He was born with a full head of hair and a redneck MULLET! Haha it is so darn cute. Well this Monday we are going to the coast. I will post more picture when we get back.

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