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I am a new mother of a wonderful little boy. This is a blog about the things that happen in our lives. Its a collection of stories, crafts and recipes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The birth of Landon

July 29th, 2012

@ 12:10am  

FYI. We arrived at the Hospital at 7pm on Friday July 27th. They induced me with medication at 8pm. I didn't deliver Landon until Sunday morning at 12:10 am. It was a LONG time. But looking back it didn't seem so bad. I had imagined it was going to be hell.  I had lots of love and support to get me through it and help the time pass. 
 Mommy and Daddy, minutes before we left to the Hospital.

In the delivery room. Starving! Oh boy I couldn't stop thinking about food.  

Finally after begging the Nurse, I got FOOD! Oh boy that was the longest I had ever gone without food. It was HELL I tell you. If I ever do this again, I will eat!
My cousin Lacy was kind enough to braid my hair for me more than once. I couldn't do it because the IV was in my wrist..it hurt to move an inch. 

The girls playing cards and chatting while camped out in the waiting room. Poor things would leave to get some rest until Landon came.

Scared and Tired, but we are hanging in there!
We listened to ever dip and race of his heartbeat. The Nurse reassured us that it was fine....but we still listened carefully.

Then it came time to push...OMG! 

I wonder what he was thinking at this moment....?

Happy Birthday Landon!  12:10 am on July 29th 2012 
Hello little guy...I'm your Mommy!

 First Family Picture <3  Oh I was SOooooo Tired!
We did it Kiddo.

Daddy left after he was born to go get me food!!! 
This was their first picture together (while mommy was stuffing her face) .

His first BATH! Not too happy about he whole thing. 

Cindy and Randy all smiles. 

Lacy you're next!

  You too Lynzy!

Then they took him away from us at 3am the next day. Oh we were a wreck!!! I could have filled a bathtub with my tears. We both were so worried and afraid for our little monster. We spent every 2 hrs running  down to the NICU and dropping off what little bit of milk I could pump. I doubt we slept more than 3 hours for those 2 nights. The pictures show how tired we were. HE had Jaundice and a suspected infection due to my water being broke for almost a full day.

 It was really hard to see our baby like this. But after the tears had dried we realized how great the nurses were at Memorial Hospital. We sure were blessed with a wonderful group of ladies. From Labor and Delivery, Recovery, to NICU. I love each and everyone of them for the care they gave us and our child. Thankfully he recovered and is doing fine now.

Burp face! 
(so darn cute) 

He has his Daddy's toes!


Once we were discharged from the hospital our days seemed to never end. Sleep was not an option. I would pump every two hours and then we would run down to the Hospitals NICU for his feedings. We must have done this about 30 times . 

Grumpy face. He didn't like being hooked up to the machines.

 He is going to be a heart breaker one day!

Finally got my baby home! Aug 4th, 2012 @ 9 pm .

 After a bunch of love and milk, he finally got to lay down in his crib. I say "Lay" because he didn't really sleep that night. Nor has he since. Hahhaa Oh Newborns!

 Grandma came to say hello. =)

Although the birth of my son was amazing and definitely an experience, I doubt I will be doing this again. The stress was too intense. Labor wasn't too bad. Thanks to my family members who were there. The time flew by for me. I doubt I could have got through it without everyone. Looking back I realize that I fell right into the typical woman in labor category. I was starving, cranky, tired and bi-polar. Poor Brandon was standing by my side through the pain and contractions. He offered his hand knowing that it would be clawed and squeezed hard. I must tell you that he has been a wonderful Father to this date. The second he saw his son for the first time I think he changed into a different man. Later that morning while I was in the recovery room, I would wake up and find him walking the room caring
Landon and rocking him to sleep for hours. I even told him to not spoil him too much and let him sleep. He didn't want to let go of the little guy. With little sleep and the whole world weighing on our shoulders , we managed to get through it. Brandon even slept on the hospital floor one night because we had to be moved to a smaller room , so small they couldn't fit a bed/chair in there. I felt so bad that he was sleeping on the hard, cold floor. Those few nights we spent at the hospital I fell in love with him deeper than I knew I could. He showed me a new side of him. He was protective of us both ( Landon and I ). He helped as much as he could. The day he and I came home, his battery had run to the lowest level possible. Yet mine was still pumped up, I was on a rush. Finally mine ran down the other night and boy did it crash. I am thankful that he and I have stuck together through everything. If we hadn't, I wouldn't be a mother to a beautiful little boy right now. WOW, I am a Mother! It still feels like a dream at times. I am so afraid that something will happen to him. If I step out of the room, or close my eyes for few minutes.... I'm afraid something will happen to my little man. I guess thats normal and very natural. I never thought I could love someone SO very much. I understand it now MOM!

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