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I am a new mother of a wonderful little boy. This is a blog about the things that happen in our lives. Its a collection of stories, crafts and recipes.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dollar Tree Finds.

Decorating the baby room with things I found at the Dollar Tree

Well the other day I went to the Dollar Tree to buy a few things for a craft I am working on for Thanksgiving. While there I found some cute stickers and wall art for just a buck each. You really cant go wrong for a dollar. If it didn't look good, oh well! 

 The stickers are from Main Street Wall Creations. I was thinking they would grab his attention even if they weren't the same theme.  The fish cutouts are from Teaching Tree. It came with six different Sea Creatures.

This is what I did with each of them. First off is the Dragon. I placed it above his crib so it looks like it is swimming. Turned out kind of cute. What do you think?

 I placed the animal stickers above his changing table. Figured it would help keep him occupied and would cut down on a few kicks here and there while I try to change a fussy little boy.

I just love these. Now when I lay him down for a change he rolls his head to look at them. What a score these were. Plus if he gets tired of them, I can easily pull them off and replace with something else. 

Then finally I put the Sea Creature wall cutouts behind the rocking chair. I thought he needed something to look at while over my shoulder. Figured a white wall wasn't stimulating his little brain quite enough.  He just loves turtles and cracks up when he sees this one. A babies laughter should be bottled and sold for millions. Its the best thing on Earth.

All in all I think it was a great way to spend $3.00 plus tax.  I had fun  decorating and the best part is I can change it very easily. 

Thank you Dollar Tree.

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