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I am a new mother of a wonderful little boy. This is a blog about the things that happen in our lives. Its a collection of stories, crafts and recipes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to make an Eyeball Wreath for $4.00

Eyeball Wreath

Here is how I made an Eyeball Wreath for $4 from the Dollar Tree and a hot glue gun. 

 All you need is a pack of large Foam Balls, small foam balls, googly eyes, a wreath and a glue gun. I was able to find all of the items in the above picture from the Dollar Tree. I was on Pinterest one night looking around and I saw someone had done a Eyeball Wreath but it cost them much more to make. I knew I could pull it off for just a few bucks. It may not have turned out like something that lady Martha would have done, but hey mine only cost $4 dollars!!! Cant beat that. 

Its so simple to make. The only reason it took me 20 minutes to do mine is because you have to hold the balls in place for a minute so the glue can dry. They have a little bit of weight to them. 

Alright so here we go. 

 Glue the balls on to the wreath. Try to stagger the sizes while making sure you cover all the gaps. Hold each ball in place for 30 seconds or so. The glue needs to dry a little due to the weight of the balls. Keep in mind you want to use a small amount of HOT GLUE because it melts the foam. Try to keep the glue out of sight unless you are going for that "Rotten Eye" look.

Now that you have got your foam balls on, here comes the fun part. Glue on the googly eyes on. This doesn't have to be perfect. You want the eyes looking in all directions. 

 I know mine has gaps..... I was on a budget and could go to the Dollar store for the third time just to buy more foam balls. We have to drive a few miles to the nearest store. So this was gonna be "good enough" for my family. Hahaha!  I wish I would have spray painted my wreath black before I started. 

Well I hope you enjoyed this quick and cheap craft for Halloween. Try it and let me know how yours turned out. 

Happy Halloween everyone.... Until next time.

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