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I am a new mother of a wonderful little boy. This is a blog about the things that happen in our lives. Its a collection of stories, crafts and recipes.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm back!

It's been a while since my last post. 

     Taking care of a 7 month old is very tiring!!!!!  I am just getting over a monster cold that I had for two weeks it seems. I was lucky today and got some extra rest. Any new Mother knows that the "extra" rest does wonders. Even if you keep waking, what seems like every 10 minutes to the sound of your baby crying in the next room with his Father. 

     Well here is a quick update. Landon has gone through his first teething stage! 

     OH MY GODS!!!!!  Boy was that hard for us all. Haha We all have been there and know the pain.  It's not only painful for your child but for you as well. The non stop crying... Cries like you never heard before. It hurts to know there really isn't anything you as a Mother can do to relive your childs pain at that moment. The best thing for you both is to get them to take a nap. I had tried everything. I gave him the cold teethers, I gave him Tylenol and the teething tablets, I tried breastfeeding him and nothing worked. He cried and turned beet red! I wanted to cry too. The only thing that seemed to work was a little nap. Even if it was just for ten minutes. So I rocked him to sleep. Oh he resisted for sure but once he woke up he was feeling  much better. The poor baby.  Now he has two pearly whites, and those tiny teeth are SHARP!  

     Brandon started school again so I'm home alone with the baby till ten at night during the week. One day I will look back on this chapter and reminisce. Ha Ha Just like the birth right? We seem to block out the pain and remember the good times. I'm certain that is why so many woman have more than one child. We forget the crying, the sleepless nights, never having any time to yourself, going to the bathroom really is a break, never having a hot cup of coffee, oh I could go on and on.  In the end it seems to make it all worth it when you see your baby smile and hear that cute little laugh.  

     I cant believe that in a few months my little baby will be one! Time really does seem to be sucked into a blackhole. Brandon and I used to joke that we couldn't  believe that two hours had passed. It felt like thirty minutes for us.  In the beginning it was very tiring. More so than now. We (mostly me) were in a constant loop. Like that movie "Groundhog Day". I would change Landon, then straight to feeding him which took forever. He would drink his milk soooo slow. He would fall asleep while feeding too.. I had to keep tapping on his chin to make sure he got enough. No one wants a "Skinny" baby. So after I fed him I had to change him again....and it just seemed like it never ended. I was so happy when I finally got him to sleep through the night. Thats when I can SHOWER!!! Oh I bet if you are a Mom you are laughing a little right now. Its amazing to just stand under some hot water for more than three minutes and not have a baby screaming for you. 

    All in all.. I love my little boy. I love being his Mother. One day I hope he realizes that Mommy almost lost it. Maybe he will read this when he gets older and understand that I did my best. Wow did I just say that? I used to hate it when my Mother said that " I did my best". My response during a fight while a pre-teen would be " well that wasn't good enough". I guess its pay back time !!!! Hahaha  Oh and Thank you Mom for not Killing me!!!  I now see how hard it is and I respect you more now than ever.   

    Well here are some pictures from the past few months......

Landon's first time eating food at four months old.

He is wearing the outfit Cindy made for him.

  His first Christmas!
First time we went on a walk with the stroller.
He is wearing the same jeans Daddy did when he was a baby.
First time he STOOD UP in his crib. Six months old.
Trying to eat the cup! Haha
He has gotten so big! 

      I will do my best to update this blog and not go five months without logging in again.  I hope you enjoyed the quick update. Take care and until next time. Be Happy and Love the ones you have to the fullest.  

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